Support the Hanover Chorus Boosters every time you swipe your Kroger card for FREE! Enroll today to support Hanover High School Choral Boosters!
This will not change the amount of Kroger points you receive each transaction! This is simply a bonus reward Kroger offers for community members who opt-in.
Last year we received several hundred dollars for the chorus department from Kroger Community Reward!
Designate the Hanover High School Choral Boosters as your community funding partner by using the HHS Choral Boosters Code: MA874
Click the link below to log in to your Kroger account and support Hanover Choral Boosters!!
**Do you have an idea for a fundraiser? We are always looking for new and fun fundraisers!
**Do you have an idea for a fundraiser? We are always looking for new and fun fundraisers!